My Baby Can Talk was created by hearing parents who enjoyed signing with their hearing infants. They used their own experiences to design a video that babies will find engaging. With the cute antics of expertly filmed toys on the screen, they have succeeded. The background music is classical pieces, but played in the high-registered, tinkling instruments that are more appropriate for the biological hearing range of babies – the effect is delightful. There is only one signing baby in this video – the “star”. The pleasant-looking woman who demonstrates the simple signs may not be a native user of sign language, but babies watching this DVD don’t care. The signs are shown slowly and carefully so that babies will find the signs easy to copy. Babies enjoy the cute antics of the objects shown on the screen, and pick up all the signs presented. There are some rhyming verbal word plays that remind one of traditional nursery rhymes – just the sort of fun language play that early childhood experts recommend.
Note: This review refers to Volume 1 - 'First Signs'.