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Books page heading offers lovely, fun, free online children’s games for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

We also love the following books for children and for adults raising children.

These books can be purchased online at Amazon. Have fun looking through these books!

Books About Raising Children
Children’s Books in English
Children’s Books in Spanish
Children’s Books in French

Featured Amazon products
Aliki is a prolific children’s story writer and illustrator. We love looking at her books. You may have been able to guess this because the style of the KiddiesGames’ children animation drawings in our games is very similar to Aliki’s style. Big, simple, happy, gentle children’s faces. Actually, Aliki’s children and KiddiesGames’ children sometimes do similar activities, such as discovering our own hands, feet, parts of the face and parts of the body.

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Jan Ormerod is a favorite children’s book illustrator, and “Sunshine” and “Moonlight” are her most famous books, still in print after decades.

These two books are beautiful, wordless watercolor drawings of a young girl’s activities in the morning and in the evening in her family home. Jan Ormerod intimately captures actions and ambience. The young girl responsably doing her morning tasks, bouncing into her parent’s bed to wake them up, playing in the bath in the evening and getting a bit carried away so that the shower cap gets soaked, preparing her dolly and teddy for bed like a good parent... This masterful illustrator and observer of children captures those priceless childhood moments that occur a thousand times a day.

Children delight in recognizing themselves in these captured routines. Parents delight in being reminded of the many rich moments that make up the fabric of our family lives.

In an interview 30 years ago when these books were first printed, Jan Ormerod explained how her own young daughter and own family were the inspiration for these gently realistic and perceptive illustrations. The format of the drawings is interesting in itself - a wordless cartoon layout that varies on each page, of drawings in a delicate and quietly humorous style. However, the reason that these two books have become timeless classics is because they are not only a wonderful snapshot of Jan’s young family. We recognize our own children and ourselves in these stories, capturing in a conscious way all those precious moments that our subconcious did register and only needed these wonderful books to bring to the forefront.

Featured Amazon products
Unicef, that most noble of organizations working to improve the conditions of the world’s children, offers the following magnificent books - “Children Just Like Me”, “Children Just Like Me: Celebrations” and “A Life Like Mine: How Children Live Around The World”. Each page features the real child of a different country, packed with photos and small paragraphs of text showing the various aspects of each child’s life. “A Life Like Mine”, which includes a preface by Harry Belafonte, is particularly ambitious in its goal of explaining basic human rights to children and the state of those rights as currently experienced by our world’s children. The book is beautifully and amazingly successful in achieving this goal.

These Unicef books are very educational, and just so interesting!

(P.S. You may find that some of the children in the KiddiesGames games look a lot like the children featured in these Unicef books. It’s not an coincidence. Some of the KiddiesGames children are based on these Unicef children.)


Books About Raising Children

Children’s Books in English

Children’s Books in Spanish

Children’s Books in French

Articles Find-A-Word Game Make Your Own Bingo Words Game Read, Hear & Color Books
Baby Games Français (Website in French) Make Your Own Chatterbox Words Safety Games
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Breastfeeding Games High Resolution Graphics Missing Numbers Spanish Games
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